Medical Billing and Coding

Instant Billing, Rising Revenues

Say Ciao to the strenuous Process of Filing Claims and Rely on Our Decade of
Expertise to Enhance Your Practice Revenues

Billing Complexities Eradicated

We pave the way for your practice to maximize the reimbursements and maintain a liquid financial model for your practice. With a minimal turnaround time we ensure that a myriad of revenues find the home in your practice.
We cover image

We Cover

Comprehensive medical billing and coding services tailored to meet the unique needs of your healthcare practice
Reduction in Denials
1 %
Successfully Processed Claims in 1st attempt
1 %

Our Meticulously Crafted Billing
Process Begins With


Cross-checking all the patient demographics and information on the claim. Reviewing the documents to rule out any redundancy or duplicate information. Quality Assurance guarantees that there are no fraudulent claims. The entire process of medical billing services is automated however the experts remain on board to supervise each step.


Assigning CPT, ICD-10, and ICD-10-CM to Relevant Claim. We unpack the claim to analyze and opt for the right CPTs. Through different tools in our medical coding suite, you can customize the code list with either your favorite codes or the ones that suit your practice intricacies. AI integration of decision support ensures that the codes are right for the claim.

Claim Submission

Claims are processed within 72 working hours to bring enhanced efficiency for building practice revenues. The claims are revised again diligently to find any missing information. The double-step verification in our medical billing software further strengthens your chance of claim submission with fruition.

Claim Submission

Denial Management

Error Detection
Error Detection

Claim Errors are detected through advanced AI integration in the system

Denial Grounds
Denial Grounds

Through investigation along with the reliable
tools helps assess the denial reason

Fixing the Errors
Fixing the Errors

Suitable mechanisms are employed to fix
the errors and reapply the codes.

Claim Resubmission
Claim Resubmission

The claims are revised and resubmitted
without any error.

Frequently Asked Questions
1 How long will be the medical billing and coding process?
We file claims in less than 72 hours or 3 business days. In the weekly reports, you will get an update on the payment processing status.
2 What if there is a denial on the bill?
Before processing our systems detect any chance of error. It is immediately rectified. However, in case of denial, we assess the error, take appropriate action, and resubmit the claim.
3 How do I know my bills are coded properly?
We have a repository of DX, ICD, and CPT codes. We understand the diagnosis before we assign a code. The integrated tools in our process ensure that the claims are accurately coded.
4 I am a specialty practitioner what will be my billing process?
Understating the nature of your specialty is our priority. According to that, we’ll assign you a super bill consisting of your practice-related codes. In all your bills we will be using similar codes and ensure that your claims result in payments.

Ready to Witness Expanding Practice Revenues?

While You Make Lives Better Let Us Get Your Bill

Sorted with Exceptional Medical Coding and Open Ways for the Prosperity of Your Healthcare Establishments
through our Medical Billing Services

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